Thursday, May 7, 2020

soluble or insoluble

Soluble or Insoluble - Does it Dissolve?
Task 1
Will the substances in the table below dissolve in water? Test each one and complete the table. There are extra rows for you to test other substances.

Stuck or can’t get the material you need? Ask your family what they think.
If you are still stuck, search online for the answers. 

Does it dissolve in water?
No ✅
No ✅
No ✅
No ✅
Coffee granules
Yes ✅
Yes ✅

Task 2
Write the definition in your own words. Only use information from trustworthy websites like Cambridge, Collins and WordHippo.
What does soluble mean?   
able to be dissolved to form a solution
What does insoluble mean?    
incapable of being dissolved.
Task 3
Sort all the substances you tested in Task 1 into the table below. 
Sugar can be dissolved in water so it is a soluble substance. The water also remains clear once the sugar has dissolved. Therefore, I should put sugar in the blue box.

Sugar ✅
Salt ✅

Flour ✅
Rice ✅
Colours the water

Coffee granules

Task 4
Watch this video to see what happens when a substance dissolves. Some words are tricky to understand so try watching it with your family and discuss what is happening.

Task 5
Investigate what conditions can help a substance dissolve in water more easily or quickly.
Possible ideas: What if the water was at a different temperature?
What if you stirred the substance more times?

Present your results as a table like the following examples.

Room temperature
Warm water
Hot water
Amount of salt dissolved 
Grams? How many teaspoons?

No stirs
2 stirs
4 stirs
6 stirs
Amount of sugar dissolved 
Grams? How many teaspoons?

reversible or irreversible

my invention

Many people use scissors today, but have you ever wondered how scissors work?
Scissors are made out of different parts such as the blades, the finger holes, the pin and the handle. The blades help cut the material. The pin in the middle causes the blades to open and close. The two circles at the top are where you put your finger in.
People in the olden days use to cut paper with knives and would easily cut their finger off accidentally. As a result, scissors were invented to make life much easier. Today we can find a variety of scissors such as 

  • Sewing scissors
  • Embroidery scissors
  • Crafting scissors or All-purpose scissors
  • Right and left-handed scissors
  • Gardening scissors
  • Grooming scissors
  • Medical scissors

my invention

My new toy invention is called Dronammock. Dronammock will be a hammock cross a drone. A hammock will be controlled by 4  Rolls Royce engines. There will be multiple controls on both sides of the hammock. The max altitude is 500 meters above sea level. On each charge, Drammock can hover for as long as 10 minutes. 

The 3 three main parts of  Droneammock are the drone, the hammock and the controls. The Droneamock has a very cool feature so when you are at the height you want you can press a control and it all goes silent. This device is also very helpful for young kids to learn skydive at young ages. Droneammock can also carry you to great heights to explore your region

Overall, Droneamock is very helpful and is fun and everyone should buy one.